-they fear losing subscribers. Based on press reports, the opinion of most people is that homosexuals are always offenders and tempters of the youth. The so-called "Strichjungentum" plays an important role in Germany. While the number of male prostitutes is decreasing on the one hand, the actual number grows with newcomers out of the field of high school students and college students who are curious and seek extra earnings. Erroneously, adults. think that homosexuality starts through corruption and is not based on inclination. There is so little numerical data that there are many misconceptions about homosexuality and its practices. Churches, first of all R. C., are against. any reform. The new law, so-called "Schmuts-und Schund-Gesetz," has practically shoved all homosexual publications off the newsstands.

Several groups of German homosexuals recently united in the "Gesellschaft fur Menschenrechte" (society for human rights) in Hamburg to work on ways of getting the laws changed. Social studies have been made and are to be published soon. The GFM looks at the question as a part of the summary of human rights and hopes that the public will be stimulated to accept it that way. On May 19th there was started the first German Congress of the GFM in Frankfurt/Main. The GFM also has become a member of ICSE (International Committee for Sexual Equality) in Amsterdam recently.



george matthewson

Prehistoric man dwelt among alluvial rocks without clocks and ruled his home where'er he roamed

perturbed little by life's baffling riddle.

Medieval man's habitat was in shacks built by ax; he toiled as slave to a feudal knave and prayed for light

to end his dismal plight.

Modern man, proud, perplexed and fraught with what he's got is now enslaved by cultural wishes and

gripes as he wipes the family dishes.
